Biobank Platform
MultiPark's biobank sample collection
Design and access to samples
MultiPark's biobank sample collection (MPBC) is a resource that serve three major research areas: Biomarkers, Epidemiology and Genetics. Patients with confirmed idiopathic Parkinson diagnosis living in the region of Skåne were invited to participate. There are approximately 2-3000 Parkinson patients in the region of Skåne, whereof almost 1000 patients are connected to the Lund/Malmö Neurology clinics. The cohort includes 1000 patients and 1000 population-based controls. The blood samples are taken and handled by the Clinical Chemistry Unit at SUS, and are stored within Biobank Syd. Available samples are: serum, plasma (collected in EDTA and heparin tubes), RNA (blood collected in PaxGene tubes) as well as prepared DNA. Samples are stored in a 96-well format of 225 ul aliquots in a fully automated system.
For MPBC sample and data access, use the MPBC data access application form. Application procedures and costs for sample access are listed in the MultiPark Biobank Access Procedures. The apllications are sent to the coordinator maria [dot] swanberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Swanberg) and handled by the steeering group.
The need for new biomarkers for Parkinson's disease is obvious, as is also pointed out in the original application. The access to well-controlled samples are crucial for these analyses, thus a biobank of serum, plasma, RNA and DNA is highly relevant.
The biobank sample collection is combined with a detailed questionnaire filled in by both patients and controls. Coupling this registry- and questionnaire data to diagnosis and measures from the biobank samples gives the opportunity to unravel determinants associated to Parkinson's disease. In addition, the recent implementation of the Swedish Parkinson Registry, opens for possibilities to combine biomarkers or genetic data with highly relevant clinical measures. The registry is a qualitative registry designed to improve the care and treatment of Parkinson patients and includes extensive historical and prospective clinical data. Combining the questionnaire with the Parkinson registry, which will be continously updated, will allow for both retrospective and prospective studies.
As much as 40% of the genetics behind Parkinson's disease is still unknown, and the majority of these genetic risk factors are complex and associated to idiopathic disease. Access to a large biobank with DNA from patients and controls is a prerequisite for association analyses. Clinical data from the Swedish Parkinson Registry allows for the identification of clinically relevant genetic risk factors, and the extension of the biobank to include protein and RNA fractions allows for expression and eQTL analyses. Epidemiological data will also be coupled to the genetic analyses, and be used e.g. as co-variates and in interaction analyses.
If you are interested in the biobank, or have any questions, please contact maria [dot] swanberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Swanberg), MultiPark biobank sample collection coordinator.
Maria Swanberg
Associate Professor
E-mail: maria [dot] swanberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: +46 46 222 06 12
Steering group
Maria Swanberg (coordinator), Oskar Hansson, Andreas Puschmann, Håkan Widner and Per Odin.