Zeiss Axio Imager M2
Now available within MultiPark is a Zeiss Axio Imager M2 system, which has been brought into the environment with the intention of serving as a large image acquisition system. It is capable of bright-field and fluorescence illumination.
The microscope is an upright system with a motorized stage, capable of taking both large, stitched images and Z-stacks. It is also equipped with a Zeiss ApoTome 2, allowing for structured illumination imaging.
Using the system
New users will need to undergo an introductory session before being allowed to use the system. To request this, please contact Megg (megg [dot] garcia-ryde [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se).
Booking the system is done beforehand via an Outlook calendar.
At the system, users must fill in an entry in the log sheet.
There is currently no cost for using the system to encourage researchers to try out the system during this startup phase. This is subject to change but will be announced in good time.
Microscope specifications
Below are some details of the microscope's specifications:
Objectives |
Filter cubes |
Cameras |
Software | Zeiss Zen version 3.8 |
Contact us!
Megg Garcia-Ryde
Platform manager
Email: megg [dot] garcia-ryde [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Office: BMC B1128b
Gunnar Gouras
Responsible PI
Email: gunnar [dot] gouras [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Office: BMC B1123c