MultiPark (Multidisciplinary Neuroresearch on Parkinson´s and Alzheimer´s) is a strategic research area (SRA) supported by the Swedish Government. Through a comprehensive scientific programme we aim at unraveling basic disease mechanisms, improving diagnostics precision, and developing efficient methods of treatment and carefor people affected by neurodegenerative diseases. Building on a tradition of excellence in dopamine research at Lund University, the MultiPark programme was originally focused on Parkinson’s disease. Our network has gradually expanded to incorporate excellent research groups studying Alzheimer´s and Huntington´s disease, or neurodegeneration secondary to brain trauma and stroke.

Cracking the Alzheimer’s Code: How Brain Trauma Triggers Disease

Meet Our Scientists Podcast: Henrik Ahlenius about stem cells, aging and neurodegeneration

Advanced Neuroscience Course for future neuroscientists

Kicking off the year: A packed program ahead